Monthly Archives: August 2021

Episode 57: Managing Overpriced Listings

Always a hot topic in real estate… What to do with overprice listings and how to manage the seller.  This episode we take a dive into how to position the conversation early on with over priced sellers, so you can ultimately arrive at a win/win outcome in the end.  Ian Goodyear joins us in the studio with some insight on a recent overprice listing he took and we discuss various ways to handle this all too often issue.  Great stories and lessons in this episode, so enjoy.

Episode 56: Realtors Working With Auctioneers

Many Realtors have long been resistant to utilizing the auction method of marketing or seeing the value of auctions. The robust real estate industry which is primarily being driven by reductions in inventory and a growing demand in the markets has created more awareness and utilization of “auctions” in the traditional real estate world. In this episode we talk to professional auctioneers Jimmie Dean Coffey and our shows host (Shawn Terrel) to find out how auctioneers are working with Realtors to make it a win/win scenario for all involved.  Great insight and a wonderful show, so enjoy…