Monthly Archives: August 2020

Episode 33: Irrigation Systems, Stealing from the Ninja’s, and Mystery Safe

Have you ever passed a corn field and wondered how an irrigation system works? Today we talk to Addison Irrigation about different types of irrigation systems, nozzles, above ground and below ground systems, and more. Also we discuss a city in Florida making homeowners pay $1,000 for installing back-flow devices to their yard irrigation systems.

We also talk about stealthy thieves stealing from the ninja museum, and a mysterious safe found in a crop field..
Never a dull moment on our show, so listen in.




Episode 32: County Fairs, House Arrest, and Mystery Beans from China.

Across America, county fairs have been canceled or postponed due to Covid 19. Auctioneers are fighting back with Online Auctions to help the 4-H and FFA kids reach their annual goals.
We also discuss a $1.5 million renovated family home with jail cells in it and the mysterious seeds in the mail being sent by China.
All this and more, enjoy the show…

Cornell Cooperative Extension Video

Home with Jail Cells Article

Mystery Seeds from China