Tag Archives: home auction

Episode 78: Advertising Absolute Auctions when it is Not

In this episode we are joined in the studio by Mr. Mike Brandly, professional auctioneer and auction industry expert witness.  Mike talks about a string of recent incidents which involve auction companies using advertising language designed to lead consumers to believe auctions are being held without a reserve price (absolute), when in fact they are not.  This practice has been taking place in the auction industry for years, however consumers are now become aware of the practice and are beginning to hire attorney’s post auction to dispute the outcomes. A very interesting podcast with a LOT of insightful information.  Enjoy the show.


Mike Brandly blog

Episode 75: The Changes in the Real Estate and Auction Industry

Lots of changes happening in both the real estate world as well as the auction industry.  More and more auctioneers moving to online bidding platforms, consolidation of auction groups happening around the country, and we are now seeing the housing markets beginning to slow.  Homes are spending more time on the shelf before offers are presented, what does all of this mean?  Jimmie Dean Coffey joins us in the studio and we discuss the changing times and what it means for the real estate and auction industry’s.  Enjoy the show.

Episode 70: Day in the Life of an Auctioneer

We are joined in the studio by fellow auctioneer and all around good guy, Jimmie Dean Coffey, as we discuss our day of driving around and meeting with auction clients.  Personal property, collector cars, guns, commercial building and lots of insight to consider if your an auctioneer or considering getting into the auction profession.  Enjoy the show..

Episode 62: Treating All Auction Bidders the Same with Mike Brandly

Hot topic right now in the auction community is the recent liability that has appeared from auctioneers and sellers treating auction bidders differently during the registration process. In this episode we talk with auctioneer and auction law specialist Mike Brandly about a recent court case in West Virginia that he testified in where the plaintiff (bidder) won a decision due to bidders not having to participate in the auction on an equal basis.

Mike Brandly Auctioneer Blog

United Country Auction Services